Saturday, January 10, 2009

sorry!! :)

Hey everyone!!!
Well I am so sorry I havnt posted in a LONG time!! :).......... juat to bussy!!!! :) Well I hope everyine had a great christmas!! I did!!! I got aome great stuff!! :) I got a d.s, a new phone, and alot of other stuff!!! :)i hope everyone has a great 2009!!! I sure did!!! i hung out with Sydney Jenkins, And Brooke Ann Duett!!! We shot fireworks with lil ray!!! wow!!! ( broooke you know what i am talking about!!! ) haha!!
well i guess that is all!!! hope everyone has a great 2009!!
love yah!! --Marlee

Sunday, September 28, 2008

this week....

OK..... This week is homecoming week..... YEAH!! Tomorrow is tacky day, Tuesday is Hill Billy day, Wednesday is Decade day, Thursday is rock star day, and Friday is show your Trojan pride. Well I am going to try to do everything but Wednesday I know I am not doing it.......(It is picture day)!! Ha Ha.... Well you see I changed my background. I did it because Halloween is coming and if I didn't do it know it would never get up there.... Ha Ha!! :) Have a great week, And if any one from New Hope is reading this You better dress up.....!!
-Marlee Conn

Monday, September 1, 2008

So long...

I am sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I just forget all about it... HA HA!! :]]. Well school is going great. I like most of my teachers... YOU SEE I SAID MOST... :]] HA HA!!
Changing classes makes the day go by so much faster!! You don't have to just sit there all day long. This will probley be a short post...Cause I don't know what to say.. HA HA :]]!!
Well hope you have a great Labor Day!!

Friday, August 1, 2008


School is starting this Wednesday!!! :[[ That sucks!!! I will be in 6Th Grade!!! :]] You want to know my schedule it is:
Math- Vaughan/Hardin
Social Studies-Grady
That is my Schedule. I have most of my friends in my class.......:]] That is GOOD AND BAD!!! The GOOD thing is we can talk........ But the BAD is we can get in trouble...............HA HA
I know who I am eating with.....:]] I am eating withKayla and Effie.....:]] Atleast I have a friend......!!! On Wen.I eat with my 6th period class!! :]] Sydney,Brady,Wells,Brooke Ann!!!:]]]
I will post soon Bye!!!

Saturday, July 12, 2008


OK I am back from the beach.......YES AGAIN!! HA HA...... Well we left last Friday around 2:30 IN THE FREAKING MORNING and I slept the whole way there!!! Madison Aycock, my cousin went with me along with my mom and dad, boy we had a BLAST!!!! Anyway her Mom and Dad and their kids Mollie, Maggie, and Mills came down Monday, So it was kinda like a family thing!!! It was Mills' First time to go and she HATED the ocean until the last FREAKIN day!!! She FREAKING loved the sand though, She is 2!! Mollie Caught a fish and kept it for awhile, she is 6. Maggie got sick a few days after she got there. Well my Dad's Birthday was Wednesday the 9th so we gave him a few presents and then they went out that night so Madison & I had to keep the 3 younger kids, boy, babysitting is not that fun!!!! One of the best things we did while in Gulf Shores was going to the Track!!! I road in the go-cart with Roxanne first........And then Kasey, they drove like maniacs, but it was fun!!! Brooke Ann, Mrs. Jeannie, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Pam, Brady, Bailey, Mrs. Tracy, Mr. Alan, Roxanne, AND Kasey were all there PLUS ME, MADISON, MY MOM, and AUNT KIM, we made some friends, The track guys, They worked there!!! We talked this one in to letting us ride for free.......... AND HE DID!!!! HA HA!!! Well we left this Saturday and now i am home until I go to camp with Sydney & Brooke Ann!!!!!!!! Well got to go!!!!! Bye

Thursday, June 26, 2008

YEA I AM BACK!!!!!!!

I am back..........I AM SO HAPPY!!! We learned 4 dances.......Some where easy, some where hard... Some where REALLY Fast!!! I am glad to be back home!!! We had these NASTY dorms!!! The water was YELLOW, the beds where hard as a rock........AND THEY STUNK!!! Well the good things where we had fun night at night and we got to play games and stuff. Well we played this one game and it is called coconut and the palm tree. It was fun!!! Oh Well that was dance camp. Now I have to get ready to go back to the beach!!! C ya!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Well tomorrow I have DANCE CAMP!!! FUN FUN FUN!!! HA-HA............We have one more dance practice tonight and after that I am staying the night with Brooke Ann because my mom can't take me to dance camp tomorrow around 10:30, she has to work!!! I have packed and I am ready to go!!! I will be sharing a dorm room with Brooke Ann and we will only be in the room at night.............SO WE WONT GET TO do many crazy things........ :[ SO SAD!!! When we get in the room we will have to go to sleep, Cause we have to wake up around 6:00!!! I have not had to wake up that early since SCHOOL!!! HA-HA!!! I will post after dance camp!! C-Ya....BYE